Targeted treatment of interference fields
Seemingly small changes on or in the body such as scars
can have great effects. Yet even a small
small intervention can have a big effect
Targeted treatment of interference fields
Seemingly small changes on or in the body such as scars
can have great effects. Yet even a small
small intervention can have a big effect

The neural therapy
Combination of diagnostics and therapy.
But how does the effect pass from the skin to the organs? Internal organs are indirectly connected to particular areas of the body’s skin via nerves (so-called Head’s zones). For example, recurring pain in the right shoulder blade can indicate problems with the gall bladder. If a corresponding skin area is now treated with neural therapy, it is possible to indirectly influence corresponding organs, joints or muscles and thus treat them in a way that supports conventional medicine.
Interference fields in the body can lead to irritations and cause pain in distant parts of the body. According to experience, this is often triggered by old scars or chronic inflammations in the ENT and jaw area, for example in the form of dental problems (implants, root-treated teeth, undiscovered tooth fractures, etc.) or chronic inflammations of the sinuses or tonsils. In his holistic ENT practice, Dr Prochnow offers his patients a complementary treatment option for these interference fields by means of neural therapy in addition to conventional medical care.
When is neural therapy useful?
Neural therapy is useful in many situations. For example, in combination with applied kinesiology and pulse diagnostics, which are also practiced in my practice, it can determine the clinical significance of an interference field.
Not every scar, every piercing or every root canal treatment necessarily has to become an interference field. It is important to distinguish which interference field requires treatment and which may not have a significant influence on the existing complaints.
If a potential interference field is discovered, it can be treated specifically, e.g. by neural therapy. If the clinical symptoms are influenced by therapy, it can be assumed that there is an interference field that requires therapy.
In this case, an interdisciplinary clarification of the clinical complaints by conventional medicine is the first priority in order to exclude organic or functional disorders or to treat them promptly. Neural therapy can play a supporting role in the healing process. However, this should be discussed in detail with the treating doctors beforehand.
If no organic or functional limitations can be detected in the course of a medical examination, an interference field can be the sole cause of complaints such as chronic back pain, joint pain or headaches, nerve pain, so-called neuralgia, allergies and many more. In this case, neural therapy can be an effective means of treatment.
Whether supportive, diagnostic or therapeutic – I will be glad to advise you in my ENT practice on the subject of neural therapy and the treatment of interference fields. It is easiest to make an appointment for this today! So that you can enjoy everyday life again!
ENT surgery
Freedom of movement enables peak performance.
Reducing blockages means increasing performance.
The insertion of a small needle often works small wonders.
Acupuncture is tried and true,
and helps with a wide variety of complaints.
HNO Heilkunde
Unsere Sinne verbinden uns mit der Außenwelt. Diese zu schützen,
zu erhalten bzw. wiederherzustellen gibt Freiheit und damit wieder Freude am Leben.
Bewegungsfreiheit ermöglicht Spitzenleistungen.
Blockierungen zu reduzieren, heißt Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.
Das setzen einer kleinen Nadel wirkt oft wie ein
kleines Wunder. Die Akupunktur ist altbewährt und hilft bei den
unterschiedlichsten Beschwerden.
Nicht der Arzt heilt, sondern die Natur.
Der Arzt kann nur ihr getreuer Helfer und Diener sein.
ENT surgery



Naturopathic treatment


Neural therapy

Applied Kinesioligy