Targeted treatment
of interference fields

Seemingly small changes on or in the body such as scars
can have great effects. Yet even a small small intervention can have a big effect

Targeted treatment of interference fields

Seemingly small changes on or in the body such as scars
can have great effects. Yet even a small small intervention can have a big effect

The neural therapy

Combination of diagnostics and therapy.

Neural therapy is based on the influence of local anesthetics on the body via the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic, parasympathetic) and the accompanying structures such as blood vessels, connective tissue, etc.. For this purpose, local anesthetics (procaine) are usually injected into or under the skin or into underlying structures up to the organs.

But how does the effect pass from the skin to the organs? Internal organs are indirectly connected to particular areas of the body’s skin via nerves (so-called Head’s zones). For example, recurring pain in the right shoulder blade can indicate problems with the gall bladder. If a corresponding skin area is now treated with neural therapy, it is possible to indirectly influence corresponding organs, joints or muscles and thus treat them in a way that supports conventional medicine.

Interference fields in the body can lead to irritations and cause pain in distant parts of the body. According to experience, this is often triggered by old scars or chronic inflammations in the ENT and jaw area, for example in the form of dental problems (implants, root-treated teeth, undiscovered tooth fractures, etc.) or chronic inflammations of the sinuses or tonsils. In his holistic ENT practice, Dr Prochnow offers his patients a complementary treatment option for these interference fields by means of neural therapy in addition to conventional medical care.

When is neural therapy useful?

Neural therapy is useful in many situations. For example, in combination with applied kinesiology and pulse diagnostics, which are also practiced in my practice, it can determine the clinical significance of an interference field.

Not every scar, every piercing or every root canal treatment necessarily has to become an interference field. It is important to distinguish which interference field requires treatment and which may not have a significant influence on the existing complaints.

If a potential interference field is discovered, it can be treated specifically, e.g. by neural therapy. If the clinical symptoms are influenced by therapy, it can be assumed that there is an interference field that requires therapy.

In this case, an interdisciplinary clarification of the clinical complaints by conventional medicine is the first priority in order to exclude organic or functional disorders or to treat them promptly. Neural therapy can play a supporting role in the healing process. However, this should be discussed in detail with the treating doctors beforehand.

If no organic or functional limitations can be detected in the course of a medical examination, an interference field can be the sole cause of complaints such as chronic back pain, joint pain or headaches, nerve pain, so-called neuralgia, allergies and many more. In this case, neural therapy can be an effective means of treatment.

Whether supportive, diagnostic or therapeutic – I will be glad to advise you in my ENT practice on the subject of neural therapy and the treatment of interference fields. It is easiest to make an appointment for this today! So that you can enjoy everyday life again!

ENT surgery

Our senses connect us to the outside world. Protecting, preserving and restoring these gives us freedom and joy in life again.


Freedom of movement enables peak performance.
Reducing blockages means increasing performance.


The insertion of a small needle often works small wonders.
Acupuncture is tried and true,
and helps with a wide variety of complaints.


It is not the doctor who heals, nature does. The doctor serves only as faithful helper and servant. He will learn from it, but nature will never learn from him. (Hippocrates)

HNO Heilkunde

Unsere Sinne verbinden uns mit der Außenwelt. Diese zu schützen,
zu erhalten bzw. wiederherzustellen gibt Freiheit und damit wieder Freude am Leben.


Bewegungsfreiheit ermöglicht Spitzenleistungen.
Blockierungen zu reduzieren, heißt Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.


Das setzen einer kleinen Nadel wirkt oft wie ein
kleines Wunder. Die Akupunktur ist altbewährt und hilft bei den
unterschiedlichsten Beschwerden.


Nicht der Arzt heilt, sondern die Natur.
Der Arzt kann nur ihr getreuer Helfer und Diener sein.

ENT surgery



Naturopathic treatment


Neural therapy

Applied Kinesioligy


U1 Stop Hallerstraße

Line 15, 34, 605 Stop Hallerstraße

Numerous parking options in surrounding designated parking areas


Before your visit


For the protection of all patients, we ask you to take a COVID-19 rapid test on the day of your appointment before you come to my practice. This includes all accompanying persons (also children). The number of accompanying persons in the practice should be kept to a minimum.

After the COVID-19 test has been performed, please send it to us by e-mail / the test result by telephone before your visit to the practice.

In case of a positive test result (even within the family / circle of accompanying persons), please refrain from visiting our ENT practice.

If you have been on vacation (regardless of the destination), please make your next appointment no earlier than 14 days after your return.

If you suffer from the following cold symptoms:

  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Fever
  • Sinus infection
  • Sudden loss of taste or smell

or if you have had contact with a sick person with the above-mentioned symptoms in the 14 days prior to your scheduled appointment, please refrain from visiting our practice in person and book an appointment online.

We will be happy to assist you by telephone or video consultation to plan further action in the event of the above.

The current measures are not only for your own protection but also for the protection of all our patients, thus enabling us to plan the best possible course of action in each individual case.

We thank you for your understanding!

Because your health is our incentive!

To the video consultation

Starting now, it is possible to contact Dr. Prochnow directly via video consultation – directly from home, from work, sick in bed, or even on vacation from all over the world.

Click here for information on our video consultation!

Online Appointment


Due to the new regulation of the federal government, it is necessary that you perform a COVID-19 rapid test on the day of your appointment before presentation in my practice. This also includes all accompanying persons (including children). The number of accompanying persons in the practice must be kept to a minimum.

After the COVID-19 test has been performed, please send it to us by e-mail before your visit to the practice.

In case of a positive test result (also within the family / circle of accompanying persons), please refrain from a presentation in our ENT practice and contact us to discuss the best possible procedure for you.

In these cases, however, I am still available to you via video consultation.



U1 Haltestelle Hallerstraße


Linie 15, 34, 605 Haltestelle Hallerstraße

Zahlreiche Parkmöglichkeiten auf umliegenden ausgewiesenen Parkflächen


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Acute hearing loss can have various causes: 1) earwax plug 2) ear canal inflammation 3) sudden hearing loss 4) popping or noise trauma 5) traumatic eardrum injuries and much more.

can not only originate from the ear, e.g. through an inflammation of the ear canal or the middle ear or an injury to the ear canal or the eardrum. They can also occur with TMD symptoms.

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Es ist stressig, der Nacken verspannt und plötzlich tritt es auf. Ein dumpfes Wattegefühl auf dem Ohr und ein Pfeifen. Häufig gibt sich das Bild innerhalb von Sekunden oder Minuten wieder und ist genauso schnell verschwunden, wie es gekommen ist. Doch bleiben die Symptome bestehen, kann es sich um einen sogenannten Hörsturz handeln.  Mehr lesen

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Pain in the fingers, carpus and wrists can have a wide variety of causes. Acute injuries due to compression, contusion or fracture can cause these symptoms. However, chronic inflammatory diseases of the rheumatic type or bacterial infections (including Lyme disease) are other possible causes. If, however, no cause is found in orthodox medicine, hidden inflammatory foci, so-called interference fields, are often possible causes, which can be detected by Applied Kinesiology and treated by means of acupuncture or neural therapy. For supportive pain therapy, the latter therapies are also a possible option.

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This is one of the new popular diseases. Everyone knows the grinding or biting with the teeth, the morning tension in the jaw area in stressful everyday situations. Learn more about the effects of overloading the jaw joint in my blog.

The unconscious release of stress usually takes place at night. Unnoticed it comes to grinding movements of the teeth or to increased biting during sleep. This can lead to an overload of the teeth, the jaw bone and also the temporomandibular joint and sometimes cause symptoms in distant organs or joints, which seem to have no connection with the initial place of origin of the complaints. Learn more about symptoms and treatment options here.


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Headache – one of the most widespread diseases of our society requires detailed clarification to find the cause. These can be of organic origin (e.g. trauma, hemorrhage, stroke, high blood pressure, chronic sinusitis, tumors, etc.) or of a functional or psychological nature (tension, overload, dehydration, etc.).

Therefore, a good interaction of neurology, ear, nose and throat medicine, dentistry, orthopedics and, if necessary, radiology, internal medicine / cardiology or vascular surgery is important for accurate diagnosis. 

Because not all headaches originate from the head. Temporomandibular joint disorders (CMD), cervical vertebrae blockages or even incorrect shoe inserts can lead to complaints in the head area over a longer period of time. So-called interference fields such as undiscovered dental foci or scars along meridians can also be the cause of these complaints. 

The therapy options depend on the corresponding cause. If an organic cause has been ruled out, however, osteopathy / manual medicine and also acupuncture as well as neural therapy can provide support in the therapy. 

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