Live better with movement
Freedom of movement enables peak performance. Reducing blockages means increasing performance.
Chirotherapist Dr. Prochnow - The solution for your blockages!
Do you have persistent headaches, neck tension, back, shoulder or even knee pain? These can have many different origins.
Chirotherapy / manual medicine and osteopathy deal with functional restrictions of joints, connective tissue membranes and the mobility of internal organs.
In order to understand the development of disorders in the skeleton, joints and muscles of our body, the following points are important:
- Our axial skeleton is an interconnected system of bones and joints.
- All tissues connected to the axial skeleton (tendons, muscles, etc.) can influence it or are influenced by it.
- Disturbances in the posture of our body can influence the position and mobility of organs in the body cavities and thus affect their function.

In order to understand the development of disorders in the skeleton, joints and muscles of our body, the following points are important:
- Our axial skeleton is an interconnected system of bones and joints.
- All tissues connected to the axial skeleton (tendons, muscles, etc.) can influence it or are influenced by it.
- Disturbances in the posture of our body can influence the position and mobility of organs in the body cavities and thus affect their function.

Your chiropractor Dr. Prochnow recognizes and treats the interconnections previously mentioned. For example, an irritation of the head of the fibula can lead to problems in the spine, a long-standing fall on the coccyx can be the cause of migraine, or knee pain can be caused by a malfunction of the temporomandibular joint. A disease of the internal organs can also present itself as joint or muscle pain. Due to these interconnections, the reason for the pain often lies in a different place than the pain trigger itself.
In order to get to the bottom of these diverse causes of musculoskeletal complaints, the utmost care is required. Dr. Prochnow is happy to assist you in all areas of manual medicine / chiropractic. He gets to the bottom of your tension, headaches, joint and back pain so that you can enjoy life again with movement.
Your chiropractor Dr. Prochnow recognizes and treats the interconnections previously mentioned. For example, an irritation of the head of the fibula can lead to problems in the spine, a long-ago fall on the coccyx can be the trigger for migraine, or knee pain can be caused by a malfunction of the temporomandibular joint. A disease of the internal organs can also present itself as joint or muscle pain. Due to these interconnections, the reason for the pain often lies in a different place than the pain trigger itself.
Chiropractic / manual medicine and osteopathy deal with functional restrictions of joints, connective tissue membranes, and the mobility of internal organs.
Your chiropractor, Dr. Prochnow, works closely with a number of specialist disciplines in this field to enable a conscientious evaluation of the complaints in order to make the correct diagnoses and thus avert harm to his patients.
For Dr. Prochnow, continuing education is a top priority. Since 2014, he has been undergoing continuous chirotherapeutic and osteopathic training and has been allowed to use the additional title of chirotherapy / manual medicine, which is reserved exclusively for doctors, since 2019. Special training in “chirotherapy and osteopathy for ENT doctors” as well as in the highly specialized, manual medical treatment of the larynx and surrounding structures expand the spectrum of his therapy.
So when it comes to manual medicine / chirotherapy, you are in the best hands with Dr. Prochnow.
Together we will get you back on track!
- Disorders of the temporomandibular joint e.g. cranio-mandibular dysfunction (CMD / TMJ)
- Diagnosis, therapy and treatment of muscular and skeletal dysfunctions in the laryngeal area
- Non-specific dizziness
- Tinnitus ("whistling sound") and other ear noises ("hissing", "buzzing", "fluttering")
- Sudden hearing loss
- Non-specific sensation of a lump in the throat, so-called globus sensation
- Difficulty in swallowing (Dysphagia)
- Non-specific hoarseness
- Pain in the tongue, base of the mouth and throat of unclear origin
- Headaches
- Migraines
- Back pain
- Joint pain (shoulder, knee, wrist, ankle, etc.)

ENT surgery
Freedom of movement enables peak performance.
Reducing blockages means increasing performance.
The insertion of a small needle often works small wonders.
Acupuncture is tried and true,
and helps with a wide variety of complaints.
HNO Heilkunde
Unsere Sinne verbinden uns mit der Außenwelt. Diese zu schützen,
zu erhalten bzw. wiederherzustellen gibt Freiheit und damit wieder Freude am Leben.
Bewegungsfreiheit ermöglicht Spitzenleistungen.
Blockierungen zu reduzieren, heißt Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.
Das setzen einer kleinen Nadel wirkt oft wie ein
kleines Wunder. Die Akupunktur ist altbewährt und hilft bei den
unterschiedlichsten Beschwerden.
Nicht der Arzt heilt, sondern die Natur.
Der Arzt kann nur ihr getreuer Helfer und Diener sein.
ENT surgery



Naturopathic treatment


Neural therapy

Applied Kinesioligy