Complementary allergy
To detect strain on the body by foreign substances,
to eliminate them if possible and to dampen excessive
immune reactions,
leading to increased quality of life.
Acupuncture and natural remedies for allergies
Allergies have become a widespread disease and can severely limit the well-being of those affected. A common orthodox medical treatment is hyposensitization. This dampens the immune system’s reaction to the allergen. However, hyposensitization is not suitable for every patient; it usually takes years, and experience shows that it is not infrequently discontinued. Many allergy sufferers are therefore only treated symptomatically. Typical medications are antihistamines and cortisone-containing nasal and asthma sprays. Since quite a few of those affected suffer from the side effects – especially fatigue – holistic therapy approaches and supplementary forms of therapy are becoming increasingly important.
Dr. Prochnow will be happy to advise you on treatment options and put together an individualized treatment plan for you.
Make your personal consultation appointment today so that you can enjoy everyday life again!
ENT surgery
Freedom of movement enables peak performance.
Reducing blockages means increasing performance.
The insertion of a small needle often works small wonders.
Acupuncture is tried and true,
and helps with a wide variety of complaints.
HNO Heilkunde
Unsere Sinne verbinden uns mit der Außenwelt. Diese zu schützen,
zu erhalten bzw. wiederherzustellen gibt Freiheit und damit wieder Freude am Leben.
Bewegungsfreiheit ermöglicht Spitzenleistungen.
Blockierungen zu reduzieren, heißt Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.
Das setzen einer kleinen Nadel wirkt oft wie ein
kleines Wunder. Die Akupunktur ist altbewährt und hilft bei den
unterschiedlichsten Beschwerden.
Nicht der Arzt heilt, sondern die Natur.
Der Arzt kann nur ihr getreuer Helfer und Diener sein.
ENT surgery



Naturopathic treatment


Neural therapy

Applied Kinesioligy