As a supplement to conventional
medical treatment
It is not the doctor who heals, nature does.
The doctor serves only as faithful helper and servant.
He will learn from it, but nature will never learn from him. (Hippocrates)
As a supplement to conventional medicine treatment
It is not the doctor who heals, the nature does. The doctor can only be her faithful helper and servant. He will learn from it, but nature will never learn from him. (Hippocrates)
In his private practice, Dr. Prochnow offers a wide range of natural therapies supplementary to conventional medicine.
Naturopathic treatments take a holistic view of the body. Their aim is to set processes in motion that enable the organism to recover on its own. Naturopathic treatments include various therapeutic concepts, such as traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, but also phytotherapy and techniques regarding exercise, relaxation, and nutrition.
ENT specialist Dr. Prochnow has qualifications in acupuncture, applied kinesiology, chiropractic therapy, and allergology, as well as further education in naturopathic treatments. This enables him to offer his patients a wide range of holistic and naturopathic therapies – complementary to his conventional medical services. Dr. Prochnow can get to the bottom of complex and chronic complaints that go beyond the classic ENT spectrum.
Supportive treatment for acute and chronic complaints
Natural healing methods are suitable for the prevention of diseases, but above all for the accompanying treatment of acute and chronic ailments. Whether it is throat, back, head or joint pain, neurodermatitis, or irritable bowel as well as diseases of the rheumatic system – many disorders can be treated by naturopathy in a supportive manner.
Are you interested in our naturopathic therapy methods? Dr. Prochnow would be happy to advise you during a personal consultation regarding natural healing methods and will draw up with you an individually tailored therapy plan.
So that you can enjoy everyday life again!
HNO Heilkunde
Unsere Sinne verbinden uns mit der Außenwelt. Diese zu schützen,
zu erhalten bzw. wiederherzustellen gibt Freiheit und damit wieder Freude am Leben.
Bewegungsfreiheit ermöglicht Spitzenleistungen.
Blockierungen zu reduzieren, heißt Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.
Das setzen einer kleinen Nadel wirkt oft wie ein
kleines Wunder. Die Akupunktur ist altbewährt und hilft bei den
unterschiedlichsten Beschwerden.
Nicht der Arzt heilt, sondern die Natur.
Der Arzt kann nur ihr getreuer Helfer und Diener sein.
ENT surgery
Freedom of movement enables peak performance.
Reducing blockages means increasing performance.
The insertion of a small needle often works small wonders.
Acupuncture is tried and true,
and helps with a wide variety of complaints.
ENT surgery



Naturopathic treatment


Neural therapy

Applied Kinesioligy