On the trail
of disturbances
If the patient is guided by the doctor to uncover
hidden causes of disease through self-awareness,
new perspectives are often discovered mutually.
In case of recurring symptoms, such as headaches and backaches, chronic infections as well as non-specific abdominal disorders, the trigger of the symptoms may lie far away and be the result of complex interactions in the body. An interdisciplinary and holistic method of diagnosis and treatment is needed to get to the root of these disturbances. This is where applied kinesiology enters the picture, which ENT specialist Dr. Prochnow masters and offers in his Hamburg practice.
It enables a combination of different medical disciplines and the establishment of diagnostic correlations. Applied Kinesiology makes a therapy concept that is individually tailored to the patient possible. The basis of this holistic treatment method is based on muscle tests that examine the neuromuscular feedback loop as well as muscle function in order to track down the center of the disturbances.
Applied Kinesiology – typical fields of application
Many symptoms arise as the result of disturbances in the body. These are often located in completely different areas than the symptoms themselves are shown, and are frequently not necessarily perceived as disturbing by the patient. For example, foot misalignments, undiscovered dental problems, and temporomandibular joint problems can lead to recurring headaches and joint pain, or old scars can be the cause of back or abdominal pain. Dental interference fields or heavy metal poisoning can also be the reason for chronic infections, allergies, and food intolerances.
Applied Kinesiology can help to detect inconspicuous and subjectively imperceptible interference fields so that they can then be treated in a targeted way.
You too can enjoy everyday life again!!
ENT surgery
Freedom of movement enables peak performance.
Reducing blockages means increasing performance.
The insertion of a small needle often works small wonders.
Acupuncture is tried and true,
and helps with a wide variety of complaints.
HNO Heilkunde
Unsere Sinne verbinden uns mit der Außenwelt. Diese zu schützen,
zu erhalten bzw. wiederherzustellen gibt Freiheit und damit wieder Freude am Leben.
Bewegungsfreiheit ermöglicht Spitzenleistungen.
Blockierungen zu reduzieren, heißt Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern.
Das setzen einer kleinen Nadel wirkt oft wie ein
kleines Wunder. Die Akupunktur ist altbewährt und hilft bei den
unterschiedlichsten Beschwerden.
Nicht der Arzt heilt, sondern die Natur.
Der Arzt kann nur ihr getreuer Helfer und Diener sein.
ENT surgery



Naturopathic treatment


Neural therapy

Applied Kinesioligy